
Arroyo PT - TOTAL Rehab is a specialty Physical Therapy company providing the latest and most comprehensive treatment programs available.


- Orthopedic surgery

- Acute and chronic pain

- Joint replacement

- Neurological impairment

- Stroke rehab

- Neuropathy

- Geriatrics

- Deconditioning

- Fall prevention

- Vestibular / dizziness

- Comfortable balance testing

- Concussion disorders


Recovery is our main goal…

We strive in building a partnership with you for your physical therapy needs and functional goals! Whether you suffer from pain, dizziness, balance impairment or spine surgery, we can assist you in gaining optimal mobility and help restore function. Recovery is our main goal, and rehab should NEVER be a negative experience! Find out why Arroyo PT / TOTAL rehab stands above the rest!


Come Grow Healthy With Us!